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The Washington/Du Bois Clash

Some selected links for Booker T. Washington and W.E.B.Dubois

This is the web site of The Atlantic magazine, which has a large number of articles about and by Washington and Du Bois. A great spot for primary sources.

This is the link to the W. E. B. Du Bois Library at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. This site has a fantastic array of material, as the library is the home of Du Bois' papers.

A brief but useful biography of Du Bois with links to other stories.

Not specifically about Du Bois, this is the link to Harvard University's Afro American studies department, one of the most respected programs in the world.

Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, the 927 pages of Du Bois' FBI files are available for download. He was monitored because of his affiliation with the NAACP and suspicions of Communist sympathies.

This Library of Congress website provides a good historical overview of the period in which Booker T. Washington lived, and discusses his prominence in the context of the time.

A short biography of Washington with links to other sources of information about the south during the time period.

An incredible resource for primary material, this web site includes 13 volumes of Washington's papers.

An incredibly biased biography written by Washington's assistant, this provides an interesting look at one view of Washington and his work.

A link to The New York Times obituary for Washington

A link to an episode from the PBS program Frontline, this website is chock full of information and photos, and is easy to navigate.

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